Friday, 10 May 2013

Round 2 : Part 2 : Week 1 Day 3 Trade Log

Fantastic day today - as you can see from the table below ! 

If this carries on this round will be done by the end of next week !!

Hope you all have a great weekend...

Stock Long/Short Entry Price Latest Price Current profit/loss % on prev day % on total risk
Rightmove Long 1,943.00 1,979.00 656.05 100.00 26.43
John Wood Long 806.80 810.00 140.66 -32.21 5.63
Dunelm Long 825.60 844.50 816.46 139.29 32.67
Aberdeen Asset Management Long 459.86 464.80 381.90 -5.85 15.31
Regus Long 169.22 170.00 163.44 -20.68 6.54
Afren Long 132.93 136.40 930.73 6.06 37.23
Signet Jewelers Long 4,524.00 4,569.00 347.82 259.95 14.17
Meggitt Long 494.79 515.50 1,490.14 330.86 59.75
Euromoney Long 997.00 1,007.00 356.55 99.99 14.29
Diageo Long 1,981.00 2,018.85 680.34 203.01 27.26
888 Holdings Long 178.75 184.50 1,147.59 -20.73 45.92
Savills Long 604.00 590.00 -826.92 41.62 -33.15
SOCO International Long 386.66 387.90 113.45 -76.51 4.54
Moneysupermarket Long 205.01 207.10 362.71 107.98 14.53
Restaurant Long 480.10 481.90 132.71 -22.07 5.32
Serco Long 614.60 624.50 573.25 67.75 22.97
Senior Long 258.85 262.70 529.38 -13.57 21.21
Xaar Long 529.30 560.00 2,063.58 186.97 82.82
Running profit / loss 10,059.86
Diff from prev day 4,630.53


  1. hello

    good to see your back in the market and a very good few days to start part 2. ive enjoyed reading through your blog

    I have had shares for years within my isa for long term holds with good results.

    I started spread betting a few months ago for short term goals then stumbled accross your blog finding some similarities to your approach (but my stakes are at a fraction of yours)

    Just a question if you dont mind answering what are the main things you are looking at with your picks?

    And at what point do you think you could walk away for the job and do this full time? (if ever)



    1. Thanks!

      Well done on your returns so far and good one on entering the world of spread betting – great returns if you manage your risk carefully!

      Picks - my most asked question, and very hard to quantify - I have promised other readers I will write a post about my strategies but it's a bit wishy washy and comes from a lot of research and industry knowledge you could say, so it's not always straightforward!

      I am keen to do this full time at some stage and will be resigning from my full time job within the year I think.
